Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Truth about HCG Weight Loss/Hypothalamus

HCG Videos
The main function of the Hypothalamus is homeostasis. In other words, it is trying to maintain the body's status quo. Well, What does the Hypothalamus maintain?
The hypothalamus is like a tracffic light. It regulates
your fat burning and fat storages,
  1. Pituitary gland regulation

  2. Blood presure regulation

  3. Hunger and salt cravings. Feeding reflexes.

  4. Blood pressure and heart rate.

  5. Bladder functions and water preservations.

  6. Mood and behavioral functions.Hormone regulations male and female.

  7. It controls your hunger, your metabolism and the rate at which your body would burn or store fat for energy.

  8. Sleep cycles

How can the Hypothalamus do all this?

It has to receive inputs about the state of the body.The hypothalamus must begin to make changes about this state of the body when things get out of whack. So, factors such as body weight may over time establish a set point. It may fluctuate overtime but it will remain remarkably fixed. Dr Simeons said the "overeating is not the cause of obesity, it is the consequence. The beginning of obesity is the hypothalamus."

So what happens on the hcg diet is that hcg will assist the hypothalamus in providing a key that unlocks the abnormal fat. This is the stubborn hard to lose fat. When I used to diet I would lose 20 to 30 pounds. Then it would always come to a halt. Some call it a plateau. Basically I lost normal reserve fat. That is your stored energy that is available daily. The abnormal fat is that stubborn hard to lose fat that gets lock away. See, this Master Regulator thinks it is winter and food is hard to come by so it decides to hold on to this fat because it is trying to keep the body alive.

In essence the hcg stimulates the hypothalmus to access the abnormal fat and put in in the blood stream for energy. It does this at an average of 2000-2500 calories daily. Thus weight loss.

For more info go to

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